Buku buya hamka pdf
Buku buya hamka pdf

Thus, Such thought should be able to be alternative solution in preparing formula, vision, mission and goals of national education, especially Islamic education that is not setting aside values of moral and character by balancing domains of ta‘līm, tarbiyah and ta’dīb. The way of education in growing personality of an individual can be performed by training to think and training his or her working skill as good as possible, with the hope it will be able to provide benefit in preparing self-supported and responsible young generation (an independent and social human being) that is able to obey all rules of values and character. Personality of an individual which is covering his or her mind, intelligence, ideals and shape of physic should be developed maximally and completely as possible. The research indicates that concept of Buya Hamka thought on Islamic education during 1950-1980 has been emphasizing on maximum efforts in growing and strengthening personality. Then, analysis method is conducted by using qualitative analysis, namely specifically seeking for correlation, coherence and relevance so that conclusion can be drawn according to the purpose of the research. The research uses a philosophical-historical approach by using theory of educational philosophy.

buku buya hamka pdf

It means all data of the research are referring to written data sources such as books, scripts, articles and documents that are relevant to the research. The research is qualitative one with library research design.

#Buku buya hamka pdf full#

Therefore, purpose of the research is to know what is the concept of Islamic educational thought according to Buya Hamka of 1950-1980, in order to make it to be applicable in the contemporary educational world that is full with problems of value and character gaps. More specifically, when it is seen from theories of Islamic education, Indonesian education is more ta‘līm and tarbiyah oriented only, and it is setting aside ta’dīb domain, so that it is indirectly bringing humans to principles of materialism. One of problems emerging in educational world is the occurrence of value and character abandonment in every educational activity. One problem is solved, and thena new one rises. Problems of educational world in Indonesia are never ending ones and as if there will no end. It can be seen from his works that are always republished since their publications to these days. Buya Hamka is a man whose thoughts are affecting many people of Indonesia.

Buku buya hamka pdf